
These three tips will help you get rid of open pores

The first thing that we want to tell you is, that the word open pore is a misnomer, as pores are always open and everyone has it. They become visible under certain conditions and this is a cause for aesthetic concern. Before searching the internet for ‘ Easy ways to…

6 Best Ways You Can Use Tomato for Great Skin

The juicy and attractive tomatoes that are seen in every household, not only make a delicious addition to your food, but they can also make your skin healthy. This is because tomato is rich in Vitamin C and various enzymes that the skin needs. By adding tomatoes to your skincare…

Get Rid Off Pigmentation with Potato

Hyperpigmentation or dark skin or uneven skin tone gives a really big reason for us to worry. The reason though justified, doesn’t need to be a cause for concern as there are many Natural ways with which you can easily reduce this hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation is nothing but a dark patch…

These Simple yet powerful Remedies will make your lips pink & plump, just like baby lips!

Did you know that your lips are the most sensitive part of your body? And any change in weather, lifestyle, or habits reflects first on the lips. This is because the lips lack the protective barrier that the skin has. This makes lips prone to drying, darkening, and peeling.  To…

4 Secrets of preventing Dark & Dry Lips Which no one would tell you!

Who doesn’t like a Naturally pink and luscious lip?  But, not everyone is blessed with it. Just like not everyone has the same skin colour, not everyone has the same lip colour too. The melanin responsible for the colour of your skin is also responsible for the colour of your…

7 Must do things to get rid off Dark circles permanently!

Dark circles are one of the most dreaded skin problems all around the world. It makes one look older, tired, and sick all the time. If you are too frustrated answering all the questions about your dark circle or too tired of seeing the dark circle grow darker every day,…

The ultimate guide to simple home remedies for hair fall control at home and more

Hair is our very own personal crown and styling it brings out our personality. With each different hairstyle, we bring out a new personality. Let’s own it up, we all have our special bond with our tresses. It gives us a whole different feel when we have great hair days.…

How to achieve hair fall control naturally at home and also flaunt a gorgeous mane

Every day seeing hair strands strewn around the house and everywhere you go can be frustrating. And the fear of extreme hair fall that can lead to hair loss is very much real. If you are nodding your head and agreeing to this then read on to find how you…

Shocking toxins in your hair fall shampoo and how to avoid it

  Shopping for skin care products is always a joy. We see the ads and imagine ourselves enjoying the peer-approved beauty ourselves. And if you are shopping for a hair product you will imagine yourself enjoying the best hair fall control ever. Isn’t hair fall the first and foremost problem…

3 Best All-natural facial cleansers to cure dry skin

Dryness of the skin can be experienced by anyone. For some, it may be constant for others certain environmental conditions like low humidity can precipitate dryness. Whether you have naturally dry skin or developed dryness recently these natural face washes will help you combat dryness and give you glowing skin.…

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